The Level of Caution Ibn Baaz’s Teacher and the Mufti Before Him, Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm, Would Go to When Asked Questions, Unlike Today’s Juhhāl who Don’t Even Reach the Level of Students of Knowledge

May 20, 2024 § Leave a comment

Shaikh Ḥamad al-Farhūd said, “In 1958 in Jeddah I injured my leg and it got put in a cast, I couldn’t move so I used to perform tayammam [dry-ablution] and then pray not facing the qiblah. When I came to Riyad I asked the Shaikh [Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm] as to whether my prayer was valid or whether I should make it up. So he spent a few days looking into it and then never gave me a fatwā on the issue.”
Sīrah Samāḥatish-Shaikh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, point no. 15.

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