Al-Khudair on How a Person Can Protect his Fast

May 18, 2018 § Leave a comment

Questioner: How can a person protect his fast?

Al-Khudair: When a person visualises the excellence of fasting and the many rewards associated with it, and the greatness of opening the fast especially when it is an obligatory one, when he pictures that, then there is no doubt that he will strive to guard his fast from things that ruin it, and the Salaf used to guard theirs by staying in the mosque, since when a person is in his house or the place where he sits or mixes with other people he might be susceptible to things that could harm his fast, intentionally or unintentionally, but when he sits in the mosque—and the mosque is the house of every person who is conscious of Allaah—you can’t imagine him backbiting anyone, because he is conscious that it is a place of obedience and not sin, just as he will protect himself from harming himself in relation to things connected to his wife for example, because he is in the mosque etc., for this reason it was reported from the Salaf that they would guard their fasts by staying in the mosque.


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