Ibn Taymiyyah Speaking About The Kaʿbah

June 3, 2024 § 2 Comments

The Shaikh of the Shaikhs of Islaam, Ibn Taymiyyah, Allaah have mercy on him, said, “And likewise how Allaah singled out the Kaʿbah, the Sacred House, from the time Ibrāhīm built it to this day, in terms of how it is exalted, revered and how the hearts are drawn to it. And it is common knowledge that kings and other people build fortresses, cities and palaces with formidable tools, solid in structure—and then it doesn’t take long before they fall apart and are debased. [While] the Kaʿbah is a House built with black stones, in a barren valley, devoid of any gardens, water and other things that people desire, nor does it have any military to defend it from enemies, nor, on the way to it, are there any of the desires that the souls covet, on the contrary, many times the journey there is fraught with fear, fatigue, thirst and hunger that only Allaah knows the true extent of. Yet despite this Allaah alone knows the [extent of the] number of hearts of ˹believing˺ people that incline towards it, and He gave the House honour, dignity and greatness through which He humbled the [very] necks of the people of earth such that powerful leaders and tyrannical heads [of state] go to it and are humbled and submissive there like anyone else. That this is outside man’s ability and [outside] the strength of their souls or bodies is something known by necessity, [seeing that] the one who built it died thousands of years ago.”
Aṣ-Ṣafadiyyah, 1/220.

Their Ṣalāh

May 26, 2024 § Leave a comment

“From ʿAlī ibn Abī Ḥamlah and al-Awzāʿī and Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kuraib who said, ‘ʿAlī ibn ʿAbdullah ibn ʿAbbās used to make a thousand prostrations a day.’”
Tahdhīb Kutub az-Zuhd al-Musnadah, no. 2178.

Ṭāwūs and His Companions

May 24, 2024 § 2 Comments

“From Ibn Abī Rawwād who said, ‘When Ṭāwūs and his companions would finish praying ʿAsr, they would turn to the qiblah and not speak to anyone and then they would humbly implore Allaah in duʿā.”
Az-Zuhd, 2209.

Ibn Taymiyyah on Why the Heart was Created

May 22, 2024 § Leave a comment

بل القلب لم يخلق إلا لذكر الله فما سوى ذلك فليس موضعا له

The Shaikh of the Shaikhs of Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, Allaah have mercy on him, said, “The heart was only created to remember Allaah. Everything else has no place there.”
Risālatun fil-Qalb wa annahū Khuliqa li-Yuʿlama bihil-Ḥaqq wa Yustaʿmala fīmā Khuliqa lahū, p. 27.

The Level of Caution Ibn Baaz’s Teacher and the Mufti Before Him, Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm, Would Go to When Asked Questions, Unlike Today’s Juhhāl who Don’t Even Reach the Level of Students of Knowledge

May 20, 2024 § Leave a comment

Shaikh Ḥamad al-Farhūd said, “In 1958 in Jeddah I injured my leg and it got put in a cast, I couldn’t move so I used to perform tayammam [dry-ablution] and then pray not facing the qiblah. When I came to Riyad I asked the Shaikh [Muḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm] as to whether my prayer was valid or whether I should make it up. So he spent a few days looking into it and then never gave me a fatwā on the issue.”
Sīrah Samāḥatish-Shaikh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, point no. 15.

The Humility of Shaikh Ibn Baaz’s Teacher and the Mufti Before him, Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm

May 18, 2024 § Leave a comment

وكان إذا أثنى عليه أحد أو مدحه يقاطعه بقوله: اللهُ يَتُوْبُ عَلَيْنَا، اللهُ يَعْفُو عَنَّا

“When someone would praise or compliment him he would cut him off by saying, ‘May Allaah turn in Mercy to us, may Allaah pardon us.’”
Sīrah Samāḥatish-Shaikh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, p. 23.

Ibn Baaz’s Teacher’s Humility, Shaikh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm. Compare it to Today’s Juhhāl who Don’t Mind Having Titles They Don’t Deserve Before Their Names

May 17, 2024 § Leave a comment

The Muftī of Saudi Arabia before Ibn Baaz was Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm, may Allaah have mercy on them both. Shaikh Ḥamad al-Farhūd said about him:

“I accompanied him for more than eighteen years and never once did I hear him refer to himself as ‘Shaikh’ or ‘Mufti,’ … when he would mention his [own] name he would mention it without any titles, except for one time only. And that was when he hosted a dignitary from the Gulf who was a good man. So he wanted me to call the hotel so that he [could speak to them and] make a reservation for the guest [from the Gulf]. When he spoke to the receptionist, who was Egyptian [and he asked for his name], he told him, ‘Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm,’ but he never recognised him. So he said, ‘Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Āl ash-Shaikh,’ but he still didn’t recognise him. So he repeated it a number of times but with the same result. So then he said, ‘The Mufti [of Saudi Arabia].’ Then when he ended the call he said, ‘May Allaah grant him guidance, he forced me to say that word [i.e., Mufti’].’”

Sīrah Samāḥatish-Shaikh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm
, p. 23.

Ibn Taymiyyah’s Tafsir of Surah Nuh

April 27, 2024 § Leave a comment

“Imām adh-Dhahabī said, ‘And our Shaikh Ibn Taymiyyah was like that wallāhī,—he spent more than a year just on the tafsīr of Sūrah Nūḥ.’”
Tārīkh al-Islām wa Wafayāt al-Mashāhīr wal-Aʿlām, 30/226.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam the Ethiopian and the Quran in Ramaḍān

December 27, 2023 § Leave a comment

“Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muʿtazz said, ‘One Ramaḍān I saw him finish the Qurʾān every two nights—and this was at Dār [al-Ḥadīth in Makkah where he worked teaching], as for what he finished at home then I don’t know how many times he would’ve done it there.’”
Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 102.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam the Ethiopian and the Quran and al-Ḥuṣari

December 26, 2023 § Leave a comment

“It was his habit to finish reading the Quran every week … his son ʿAbdul-Jalīl said, ‘If he wasn’t able to finish his daily portion of the Quran at home he would finish it in the car …,’ his sons and other Shaikhs told me that he would use the time when going from one place to another to read the Quran or to finish his daily portion thereof, and on numerous occasions he used to listen to Shaikh al-Ḥuṣari’s recitation on tape in the car.’
Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, pp. 100-101.

Shaikh al-Ḥuṣari:

Shaikh Muḥammad was Already a Scholar in Ethiopia Before he Came to Saudi

December 18, 2023 § Leave a comment

“What a lot of students of knowledge don’t know is that when Shaikh Muḥammad, Allaah have mercy on him, came to Saudi from his country he was already a profound scholar well-versed in many disciplines, and he was [only] in his thirties [at the time]. In fact, he had books that he had written in Ethiopia only that he was unable to bring them with him to Saudi—and when he would remember that he would cry and become sad, more than one person has mentioned this.”
Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 78.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam The Ethiopian’s Advice

December 17, 2023 § Leave a comment

“His son ʿAbdul-Jalīl told me that whenever some scholars or students of knowledge would ask him for advice he would say:

عليكم بنشر السنة، وتدريس الكتب الستة، ليل نهار
“You must spread the Sunnah, and teach the six books, night and day.”

Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 64.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam and the Ḥajj Break · More on His Memorisation

December 12, 2023 § Leave a comment

“One of the teachers at Dār al-Ḥadīth, Shaikh ʿAbdullah ʿAwaḍ said, ‘One time we were sitting with the Shaikh after we had come back from Ḥajj break. A few minutes before starting the lesson he asked the students sitting there what points of benefit they might have picked up during the break, so we hung our heads [out of embarrassment]. Then he asked me, ‘What about you, ʾAbdullah, what’s something beneficial you picked up?’ I said, ‘I read a small book on the manners of differing.’ Then he told us that in the break he had memorised 667 lines of poetry from al-ʾIrāqī’s work on the Prophet’s ﷺ biography [which al-ʾIrāqī had written in the form of one thousand lines of poetry, an ‘alfiyyah,’ a ‘thousand-liner’]. The break had been about 12 days long. Then one of the students asked him, ‘Shaikh, how many lines of poetry do you memorise a day?’

He said, ‘60 or 70 while I’m drinking a cup of tea.’”
Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 61.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam the Ethiopian’s Memorisation Prowess from when He was Small

December 11, 2023 § Leave a comment

His memorisation of numerous texts was exemplary, more to come on that, but we will start with what he said here:

“I saw the Prophet ﷺ in a dream when I was small and he was teaching me Sūrah al-Fātiḥah. After that whenever I looked at a page I memorised it easily and didn’t find it difficult.”
Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 61.

Shaikh Muḥammad Ādam the Ethiopian when He was a Kid

December 10, 2023 § Leave a comment

One of the greatest ḥadīth scholars of this time was Shaikh Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, may Allaah have mercy on him, he was from Ethiopia and migrated to Makkah where he taught for  decades, he passed away in 2020.

He said, “One of Allaah’s blessings on me was that he made me love the science of ḥadīth from a young age. When I was small and my father used to read Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī I would hide behind a wall and listen to the person reading it, and upon hearing Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī being read my heart would yearn [for it] …” Ṣafaḥāt Muḍīʾah min Ḥayātil-ʾAllāmah Muḥammad ibn ʿĀlī ibn Ādam al-Ityūbī, Durūsun wa Mawāqif, p. 23.

Fāṭimah Daughter of Imām al-Birzālī

June 9, 2023 § Leave a comment

Fāṭimah daughter of al-Qāsim bin Muḥammad bin Yūsuf bin Muḥammad, Ummal-Ḥasan, daughter of our Shaikh, the Imām ʿAlamud-Dīn al-Birzālī.

Her father, Imām al-Birzālī, said, “I took her along to the gatherings of the study of ḥadīth when she was three days old. She had memorised from the Qurʾān and performed Ḥajj and studied ḥadīth from Shaikhs, the number of Shaikhs she heard from reaching 185. She wrote out Ibn Taymiyyah’s Al-Aḥkām and also a complete copy of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī by hand herself which she completed a few days before her death.”

And this copy of Bukhārī of hers is in Damascus and is one that is relied on and quoted from.

Her father continued, “She performed Ḥajj and heard ḥadīth on the way to the Ḥijāz and herself narrated ḥadīth in the two Ḥarams.

She was a blessed woman, guarding her obligatory and optional prayers. She used to strive and was eager in doing good deeds. She had compassion and khair and intelligence and knowledge and good which never left her. She was married for about five years and never left her house, I only ever saw things from her that would please me. When I would see her praying I would become pleased and say, ‘I hope that Allaah benefits me through her,’ because she used to pray a complete ṣalāh and strive in making duʿā. She never once asked me for anything from the dunyā not even to buy anything she might need. I benefitted from her in this dunyā and I hope Allaah will benefit me through her in the Hereafter.”

She passed away in the year 731 hijrī at the age of 24, raḥimahallāh.
ʾAʿyān al-ʿAṣr wa ʾAʿwān an-Naṣr, vol. 4, pp. 30-31.

Abud-Dardā and Umm ad Dardā

May 26, 2023 § Leave a comment

Abud-Dardā said to Umm ad-Dardā, “When I become angry then make me happy. And when you become angry I will make you happy—if we are not like that then how quickly we will part.”

Al-Ajwibah al-Balīghah, p. 33.

The Man from Banī ʿAbs and the Porter

May 26, 2023 § Leave a comment

A man from Banī ʿAbs went to the al-Madāʾin market and purchased a large amount of goods and then looked for someone to carry them for him. He saw a man standing in the market and called him and said, “Carry these for me, may Allaah have mercy on you.” So the man came and picked up his wares and started to walk next to him.

Every time they passed by a group of people they looked at the man who was carrying the goods and said, “As-Salāmu ʿalaika, O Abū ʿAbdullah!”

So the man from Banī ʿAbs was surprised at this porter who was carrying his goods and who all the people of the city knew and who the nobles and dignitaries feted and revered and respected and who they gave this most respectful of salāms to.

So he said, “Who are you, may Allaah have mercy on you?” He replied, “I am just one of Allaah’s slaves.”

Then they passed by another group of people and they said to the man carrying the goods, “As-Salāmu ʿalaika, O Abū ʿAbdullah!” So then the man from Banī ʿAbs took one of them by his hand and said, “Who is this man?”

He replied, “That is Abū ʿAbdullah Salmān al-Fārisī—[most noble] Companion of the Messenger of Allaahﷺ and the Amīr of al-Madāʾin.”

So the man felt embarrassed and ashamed and said, “May Allaah have mercy on you, I didn’t know who you were, please give me my goods so I can carry them.”

Salmān said, “No, wallāhī, I will carry them right until you get to your house.”

Siyar Aʾlām an-Nubalā, vol. 1, p. 546.

Ibn Taymiyyah on Seeking Forgiveness

October 25, 2022 § Leave a comment

In the nine volume collection of Ibn Taymiyyah’s works which Shaikh ʿUzair Shams checked and brought to light bi ithnillah, the Shaikh of the Shaikhs of Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, said, “A person’s seeking forgiveness from Allaah [istighfār] is more important than all duʿās.”

Jāmiʿul-Masāʾil, vol. 6, p. 277.

A Brief Biography of Shaikh Muḥammad ʿUzair Shams · Part 2 – The Madrasahs He Studied At ·

October 20, 2022 § Leave a comment

Continuing from the last post.

“The Shaikh, may Allaah have mercy on him, had something which many people missed out on in our time, namely, the companionship of scholars and being raised among them, since he started his education with his parents and the scholars from his family. During that time he learnt Urdu and Persian and memorised some juzz of the Qurʾān, Shaikh ʿUzair said, “We used to memorise some juzz of the noble Qurʿān and some didactic poems and poetry in Urdu, the focus with us in India was more on understanding and expression rather than memorisation, that is why we were not familiar with the memorisation of texts and different manāhij as is known in Arab lands.”

The Shaikh also benefitted a lot from his father going to a large number of Shaikhs and different madrasahs. The most important madrasahs that Shaikh ʿUzair studied in were:

1) The first one he mentioned when he was asked about his religious upbringing was his own home, where he studied with his father and some of his brothers, this was in 1960 and he did so for two years at primary school level.

2) Faiḍ ʿĀm Madrasah in Māo, it was the first one he studied in after studying with his parents at home, he joined it in 1962 when he was about six years old and stayed there for three years. In his sixth year at primary he learnt Persian and memorised lots of Persian poetry.

3) Dārul-ʿUlūm al-Aḥmadiyyah Madrasah in Dārbānjā in Bihār in 1967. He only stayed there for a year. He studied grammar and morphology and the fundamentals of Arabic there under his uncle ʿAinul-Ḥaqq as-Salafī in Urdu, and also with Shaikh ʿAbdun-Nūr an-Nadwī who he studied Arabic with in Arabic, and he studied Persian literature with Shaikh Muḥammad Raʾīs an-Nadwī.

4) Dārul-Ḥadīth in Bengal in Murshidabād, he joined it in 1968 when his father moved there to teach so he had to go with him, and it is there that he learnt Bengali, and as such the Shaikh had learnt the following languages: Urdu, Persian, Hindī, Arabic, English and Bengali, then later he also learnt German. The following year he left this madrasah.

5) Dārul-Ḥadīth ar-Raḥmāniyyah in Benares in 1969 for two years where he completed middle school. Here he studied ḥadīth under Shaikh ʿAbdus-Salām ar-Raḥmānī.

6) Al-Jāmiʿah as-Salafiyyah in Benares too where he completed his secondary school education, finishing in 1976. There, under his father, he studied Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and al-Muwaṭṭaʾ. And with Shaikh ʿAbdul-Waḥīd ar-Raḥmānī he studied Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim. And with Shaikh Ṣafiyyur-Raḥmān al-Mubārakfūrī he studied the book Ḥujjatullāhil-Bālighah of Shāh Waliyullāh ad-Dehlawī. And with Shaikh Muḥammad ʿĪsā an-Nadwī he studied selected chapters from the Muqaddimah of Ibn Khaldūn in Arabic. And with Shaikh ʿAbdul-Muʿīd Banārisī he studied Sunan an-Nisāʾī.

7) The Faculty of Arabic at the Islamic University of Medīnah, graduating with a degree there in 1981.

8) The Faculty of Arabic at Umm al-Qura University in Makkah where he obtained a Masters in 1985. Then he studied for a Phd there.”

Part 3 to follow inshaa Allaah.

A Brief Biography of Shaikh Muḥammad ʿUzair Shams · Part 1 – Surrounded by Scholars ·

October 19, 2022 § Leave a comment

Felt like putting a bio out on the Shaikh, Allaahul-Musta’aan. Here you go:

“He is Shaikh Muḥammad ʿUzair Shams bin Shams al-Ḥaqq bin Riḍallāh, born on Friday 15th December 1956 in West Bengal where his father had moved in order to teach.

He was raised in a family blessed with knowledge and scholars, his forefathers were known people of knowledge and excellence for eight generations, Shaikh ʿUzair said, “My family roots are in Bihar in north Bengal, my grandfather was a scholar and my father too, likewise almost all of my uncles were as well.”

His maternal grandfather: ʿAbdur-Raḥīm Barbūmī was a well-known scholar and muḥaddith, held in high esteem in his area and among his people. He was a student of the Muḥaddith, the ʿAllāmah, as-Sayyid Nadhīr Ḥussain al-Ḥussainī ad-Dehlawī. He spent his life teaching and calling his people to the truth.

His grandfather: Riḍāʾullāh who passed away in 1941, a well-known scholar who had a great impact on the common folk and the students of knowledge there.

His father: Shamsul-Ḥaqq Salafī, who passed away in 1986, a person of knowledge who used to teach ḥadīth in many madrasahs in India, he took the place of his father after he died taking over his works and responsibilities in daʿwah and teaching in their area. Shaikh ʿUzair studied from him and he was his first Shaikh, “My father graduated from a religious institute called Dārul-ʾUlūm al-Aḥmadiyyah in a city called Darbānjā which is in Bihār, north India. After he graduated he went to a number of different religious institutes and schools there, and he was the Shaikh of Ḥadīth in most of the ones he taught in … he spent his entire life teaching ḥadīth spanning more then fifty-two years. He taught Saḥīḥ Bukhārī more than fifty times and spent most of his time on it. He was entrusted with the responsibility of giving fatwās, he had many fatwās some of which have been published and also some articles and writings but they are limited.”

His uncle: ʿAinul-Ḥaqq Salafī, d. 1982, also from the people of knowledge, Shaikh ʿUzair also studied with him as will be mentioned later. Shaikh ʿUzair said about him, “My uncle was a teacher in Dārul-ʿUlūm al-Aḥmadiyyah, he was a student there and when he graduated he became a teacher there, and taught there for sixty years …”

His mother: the daughter of ʾAbdur-Raḥīm Barbūmī who was just mentioned earlier, he used to be keen on getting his daughters married to people of knowledge just as he was keen on teaching them, he helped his daughter memorise some of the Qurʾān and she studied many books with him at home.

From here Shaikh ʿUzair, may Allaah have mercy on him, started his journey in seeking knowledge, first at the hands of his father, from whom he got his manners and at whose spring he drank during his childhood … his father dedicated himself to him and would teach him and at the same time join him in play and fun, Shaikh ʿUzair said, “My father, may Allaah have mercy on him, would firstly teach me, my mother would too, and then he would play lots of games with me, even now I can remember that I learnt how to swim from him because there was a river next to our city …”

The Shaikh, may Allaah have mercy on him, had something which many people missed out on in our time, namely, the …”

Part 2.

Shaikh Uzair’s Works

October 18, 2022 § Leave a comment

A reminder of where we are all going. Here is Shaikh ʿUzair, may Allaah have mercy on him:

Shaikh Uzair Corpse

Here are some of the works that he sent before him, books of Ibn al-Qayyim and Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allaah accept it all:

Shaikh Uzairs Checkings

Sources for first and second images.

Shaikh Muḥammad ʿUzair Shams Teaching Right till the End.

October 17, 2022 § Leave a comment

A brother who was there said, “Shaikh Muḥammad ʿUzair Shams died the way he lived. I was with him when death came to him. A beginner student of knowledge at Dār al-Ḥadīth al-Khairiyyah was with me too and the last thing the Shaikh advised him with was to be serious in seeking knowledge and to practice writing by summarizing what he reads and hears. And to learn how to write correctly he advised him to become acquainted with [the dictionary called] ‘Al-Muʿjam al-Wasīṭ’ and ‘Muʿjam al-ʾAʿlaam.’ And before that in the very same sitting he tested the student to check his level in grammar, and morphology [ṣarf] and spelling, and here is a paper of the test he gave the student with the Shaikh’s corrections:



This is very painful, such a loss, Allaahul-Mustaʿān. May Allaah fill his grave with light and give him al-Firdaws.

“Please Do Duʿā for Me.” Posers in Charity, Posers on Youtube or Tiktok or Wherever Else Recording Themselves Giving Charity

September 25, 2022 § Leave a comment

If you give in charity for Allah’s sake then don’t ask them to do duʿā for you. Allah said, “˹saying to themselves,˺: ‘We feed you only for the sake of Allah, seeking neither reward nor thanks from you.’” [76:9]

The Shaikh of Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said, “So whoever asks the poor to supplicate for them or praise them has left this āyah.”
Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā, v. 11, p. 111.

All of Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn al-Qayyim’s Books in PDF format

September 25, 2022 § 6 Comments

Shaikh Bakr Abu Zaid, may Allah have mercy on him, oversaw a project on the publication of Ibn al-Qayyim’s books, here is a link to all of them in PDF format.

He did the same with Shaikhul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah’s works, here is a link to them too, both collections with permission from the publishers. 

“Alhamdulillah that I Became a Muslim Before I Met These Muslims.”

July 14, 2022 § 1 Comment

The ʿAllāmah, the Shaikh Muḥammad Sulṭān al-Maʿṣūmī al-Khujandī al-Makkī, who some of you may know through the English translation of his book on blind-following which you can find here, said:

“One of the people who was guided and became enlightened through this Divine Light was a man from the West, from those who ascribe to Christianity. He read the translation of the meanings of the Qurʾān in English and so Allah allowed him to see the truth and enlightened him. He learnt Arabic and came to understand some meanings of the Qurʾān and thus became certain that Islam was the true religion which could make a person happy in this life and the next and so embraced it. Then he migrated from his country intending to settle in a Muslim land and so ended up settling in the two ḥarams [Makkah and Medīnah].

But when he saw those who called themselves Muslims here, and their manners, and how they dealt with people in a manner which opposed Islam and its teachings he was shocked and confused, and said to me:

Alḥamdulillāh that I became a Muslim before meeting these Muslims. This is a blessing from Allah on me. If I had seen these people before that I would have fled both from them and Islam, but I understood Allah’s address to us when He said, ‘O Mankind! …’ and I am one of mankind, and that meant that I had to fear Allah who created and nurtured me and that I must believe in His Messengers and Books, and I was certain that everyone who fears Allah, his Lord, will be happy in both abodes, and that whoever disbelieves and denies [the Truth] then Allah’s Punishment is severe, and no-one has the excuse of ignorance as long as he can understand …’ etc.!

So look how this European learnt knowledge and sought guidance, in the same way every individual from mankind has the ability to learn and understand his Lord’s Speech, that is why Allah addressed them in general terms, and ordered them to have faith and fear Him, and to follow the Messenger who He sent with the Truth, a Messenger who was sent to all of mankind as a mercy for them, whether man or jinn …

This gentleman who was guided to Islam has accompanied me since 1937 and attended my lectures. He often asks me about the meanings of āyahs from the Qurʾān and ḥadīths, and has become a good Muslim. I ask Allah, the Most High, to make both me and him and all Muslims firm in īmān, to always grant us success and to give us a good ending, āmīn.”
Tamyīzul-Maḥẓūẓīn ʿanil-Maḥrūmīn fī Tajrīdid-Dīn wa Tawḥīdil-Mursalīn, pp. 39-40.

This is Shaikh Muḥammad Sulṭān al-Maʿṣūmī al-Khujandī:


Aren’t You Embarrassed?

July 11, 2022 § 1 Comment

“Imām ash-Shaʿbī was asked a question and replied that he didn’t know the answer. So someone said, ‘Aren’t you ashamed of saying, ‘I don’t know,’ when you are the faqīh of Iraq?’ So he said, ‘But the Angels weren’t ashamed when they said, ‘We have no knowledge except what you have taught us.’’” [Baqarah 2:32]
Iʿlāmul-Muwaqqiʿīn, 6/134.

A Dream About Ibn Taymiyyah After his Death

April 19, 2021 § 2 Comments

“A man held as trustworthy by companions of ours such as Shaikh Shamsud-Dīn Muhammad ibn Ruzair and others said that he saw a dream in which a Christian man was going somewhere, so he said to him, ‘To where?’ He replied, ‘To the Messiah عليه السلام.’ So he said, ‘I have more rightful affinity to him [than you],’ and so he went along with him until they saw him and he looked beautiful.

The person in the dream then said to himself, ‘If only I could see our Prophet ﷺ so that I could in fact [really] see him and see in what esteem Īsā عليه السلام holds him.’

So the Prophet ﷺ came and the Messiah عليه السلام stood up and the Prophet ﷺ sat in his place and he looked most magnificent, beautiful in face and appearance, and the Messiah عليه السلام kissed his hand and his head and then sat next to him.

Then the Prophet ﷺ asked the person in the dream, ‘What do you have with you?’ He replied, ‘Ripe dates [ruṭab].’ So he handed them to the Prophet ﷺ who took them and gave some to the Messiah.

So I said to the Christian, ‘Look how your Prophet venerates our Prophet.’ So he said, ‘Yes.’

Then from behind the Prophet ﷺ a group of people approached, the Shaikh [of Islaam Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah] was sitting amongst them or at the front of them. When they got closer the Shaikh came forward and the Prophet ﷺ stood up and said, ‘Welcome, O Ahmad,’ then he gave him some of the dates.

Then another group came from in front of the Prophet ﷺ but he never turned to look at them. So the Shaikh Taqiyud-Din [Ibn Taymiyyah] said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah! These people are from your Ummah.’

So he replied, ‘No. If they were from my ummah they would’ve been upon what you were upon.’”

Takmilatul-Jaami li Seerati-Shaikhil-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah, p. 72.

Muʿādh ibn Jabal

July 16, 2020 § Leave a comment

“Abū Muslim al-Khowlāni said, ‘I entered the Mosque of Ḥimṣ and saw about thirty middle-aged Companions of the Prophet , and then there was this young man sitting there with them, with kohl on his eyes and bright teeth.

Silent, not speaking.

When the people would differ about something they would turn to him and ask him. So I said to the person sitting next to me, ‘Who is that?’ He replied, ‘Muʿādh ibn Jabal, may Allaah the Most High be pleased with him.’ So I felt love for him there and then and used to stay with them until they parted.’

From Shahr ibn Ḥawshab, ‘When the Companions of Allah’s Messenger would talk and Muʿādh ibn Jabal was among them they would look at him in awe of him.’”
Ḥālus-Salaf maʿal-Qurʾān, pp. 155-156.

Shaikh Muqbil’s Daʿwah

July 6, 2020 § Leave a comment

Shaikh Muqbil used to travel to different villages and towns to give daʿwah to spread tawḥīd and the sunnah and teach people their religion, striving to do so to such an extent that:

“He would go to a town called Kunā on foot from morning till dhuhr time which would take five hours or more.”
Nubdhatun Yasīratun min Nafīs Sīrati wa Aqwāli Muḥaddithil-Jazīrati Muqbil bin Hādī al-Wādiʿī, raḥimahullah, p. 21.

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